Elitism practiced rightly?

What does it mean when THE TEN claim to practice elitism rightly? Simply put:

It is THE TEN’s acknowledgment that some members of society and the University community are better than other individuals. As non-politically correct as it is to say, some students are more deserving and possess greater overall merit.

The reclamation of elitism on Grounds is necessary because the banner of elitism has been taken up not by those most deserving scholars and creative thinkers, but by a sea of mostly uneducated-sounding, party-going fratstars and sorostitutes, not to mention a growing number of toolish representatives from a wide swath of various groups, councils, and committees. THE TEN have nothing against members of the Greek system or of other organizations who uphold the values and ideals claimed as part of those bodies. Rather, THE TEN stand opposed to all things born out of untruth and deception. Elitism practiced rightly, therefore, is elitism based on actual intellectual ability, raw creativity, and philosophical awareness of man’s existential condition. It is elitism based on HONOR, and it is elitism based on TRUTH. The elitism of organizations who claim to engage in service activities — but decidedly do not — or of those organizations who claim to work hours upon hours for the good of the student body — but decidedly do not — is not THE TEN’s elitism of choice, nor is it that to which we aspire.

Do you understand — no, embrace — such an ideal? If so, complete an application today and submit to the10men.uva@gmail.com.

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